Ceramics connects inseparable with the creation of the first societies. Man through it understands his primordial nature by playing with the elements: soil | fire | water | air.
And while the industrial revolution made it easy to use new materials,
Ceramics it continues to it is part of the culture of every civilization but also to constitute source of inspiration for many Architects, Visual Artists,
Designers & Decorators
 of the whole world.


The purpose of the courses is for the interested party to develop a integrated view regarding the creation of ceramic objects emphasizing three points: Form, the Construction and the Mode, while at the same time: h development of practical skills, the acquisition of basic theoretical and technical knowledge and the discussion subjects about aesthetics through the creation of cooperation groups and exchange of views.
The goal is primarily personal | individual and therefore cannot be common to the whole group. The first meeting it is decisive in order to determine the goal of each student and to emphasize the way of teaching and training him within the group.
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The aim of this section is children 5 to 12 years old to create projects that will lead them into practice understanding of shapes, of of tumors and of colors.
Through their engagement with clay and its infinite visual possibilities they will develop the creative their thought, They 'will get new knowledge and skills, they will cultivate it personal their ID card and will express themselves through it game, the teamwork and cooperation.
Their participation will contribute significantly to development of social - communication skills, the practice her fine and coarse movement as well as her enhancing his concentration.
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Throughout the academic year, seminars are announced that aim to focus on specialized techniques and knowledge where concern ceramics such as:
  • Creation & Casting Molds.
  • Creation Useful Objects.
  • Creating Glazes with oxides & pyrochromes.
  • Techniques Decorative Ceramics.
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